Harbor Hybrid FAQs

Harbor Hybrid Academy FAQs

What is Harbor Hybrid?

Harbor Hybrid Academy is an educational model that combines at home and in-person learning. It is a full-time school program consisting of 2 days (Wednesdays & Fridays) of in-person learning and 2-3 days of learning at home.  We partner with Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) to combine homeschooling with the best parts of traditional education.

Where are you located?

We currently meet at Dearborn Free Methodist Church at 2801 S. Telegraph Road in Dearborn, Michigan.

When do classes meet?

Hybrid classes (k-5th) will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays for the 2025-2026 school year.  Classes will meet 15 weeks each semester.  Click here to view the 25-26 hybrid schedule

How much do classes cost?

If your student is enrolled in Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA), a public school, they can receive state funding to cover the entire tuition and curriculum cost of Harbor Hybrid Academy.

Self-pay tuition is  $2625 per semester ($5250 per year)  20% due prior to the start of each semester and remaining balance must be paid in full by week 7 of each semester.  No refunds on tuition.

What is your tuition policy?

Due to our overhead expenses, we do not give refunds on tuition if a student drops prior to the end of the school year.  

Families with outstanding balances after week 7, will be unable to return to Harbor until balance is paid in full and/or will lose enrollment for the following semester.

Do classes sell out?

Our hybrid program has a limited capacity, so we recommend applying as soon as possible to guarantee your student's spot in our program.

Families only need to apply and register once per year.

How much of the coursework is online?

Most of the coursework will not be online but there is an online component the students need to complete each week and check in with their mentor online.  All of the work and curriculum is overseen by a certified teacher through Oxford.

What is the birth date requirement to register for Kindergarten?

To join our Kindergarten program, students must be 5 by September 1. 

How big are class sizes?

Class sizes will be kept small for more personal attention.  Classes will not have more than 15 students per instructor.

Is my student required to do state testing?

Yes, all hybrid OVA students  are required to participate in state testing.  Self-pay students do not participate in state testing.

How do I apply for Harbor Hybrid?

If you are planning to enroll your student(s)  in our Hybrid program, please fill out this application.   Our admissions team will review each candidate family and evaluate whether we think Harbor Hybrid is a good fit for your family.  Please reach out to us if you have any additional questions.  APPLY HERE

What is the dress code for Harbor Hybrid?

HARBOR'S DRESS CODE (adopted from Oxford School District):
In general, clothing should be clean and appropriate for the climate and the situation. The final decision in any situation involving inappropriate attire rests with building administrators.

1) Tops must have straps or sleeves and must cover the student’s entire torso.
2) Pants, shorts, and skirts must have an inseam at least 4 inches in length.
3)Clothing may not display material that:
-Is materially and substantially disruptive or that school officials can reasonably forecast will create a substantial disruption;
-Is obscene, explicit, indecent, or lewd;
-Promotes the use of or advertises illegal substances
-Incites violence; Contains “fighting words”; Constitutes a true threat of violence.

Consequences: Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to change clothing. Parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing or the student may be sent home to change.  Ongoing dress code violations may result in student being suspended from onsite classes