Frequently Asked Questions about Harbor

What is Harbor Homeschool?

Harbor Homeschool is a service provider to homeschool and hybrid school families.  We provide core and elective classes to students.  We are a non-profit 501C3 organization that partners with Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) to provide high quality educational opportunities.  Families can enroll their students in OVA and take classes in person at Harbor as part of the optional learning experience.  See the enrollment options here.

Where are you located?

We currently meet at Dearborn Free Methodist Church at 2801 S. Telegraph Road in Dearborn, Michigan.

When do classes meet?

Our elective classes meet on Thursdays or Fridays.  We also offer off-site classes at Game On in Taylor on Mondays and Goldfish Swim in Canton on Tuesdays.
Classes meet 14 times each semester.  There is a student showcase the last week of classes each semester.

Hybrid classes (k-5th) will meet on Wednesdays and Fridays for the 2025-2026 school year.  Classes will meet 15 weeks each semester.

How much do classes cost?

Elective classes are $175 each per semester (Goldfish Swim is $295 per semester).   The entire kindergarten block is $700 per semester.

If your student is enrolled in Oxford Virtual Academy (OVA) they can receive state funding to pay for 4.5 in person Harbor classes.  The 5th class is $50 per semester. To learn more about our enrollment options click here.

There is also a nonrefundable $30 registration fee per family, per year.  (Full-time OVA students are not charged a registration fee).

What is your tuition policy?

You will receive an invoice through email at least one month prior to the start of each semester.  This will contain a link to make payments online. You can break up payments however you like, as long as 20% of tuition is paid prior to the start of each semester and tuition is paid in full by week 7 of each semester.  

Due to our overhead expenses, we do not give refunds on tuition if a student drops prior to the end of the semester.  

Families with outstanding balances after week 7, will be unable to return to Harbor until balance is paid in full and/or will lose enrollment for the following semester.

Do classes sell out?

Yes, many of our classes are at capacity so we recommend registering as soon as possible. Please select a first and a second choice for each hour when registering because classes do fill up quickly.

Student schedules carry over from the Fall semester to the Winter semester.  Families only need to register once per year.

Is my student required to do the online coursework for their classes?

If your student is enrolled through OVA, they are required to complete their online courses (called BUZZ).  In fact, some students choose to only participate in the online classes and not attend in person.  The in-person classes at Harbor are optional learning experiences for students.
Self-pay students have the option of doing the BUZZ online coursework (for an $15 per class, per semester), but it is not required. 

Does my student need to take a full day of classes?

No, your student can take as many classes as you would like.  Most students take one full day of classes at Harbor.  However, some students take just a few classes and some only take the virtual classes offered through OVA and never come in person.  We offer many options to give families the choice to do what is best for them.

Can my student stay on site if they are not enrolled in a class for an hour?

Students who are on site but not enrolled in a class must have a parent present unless approved to have an unsupervised study hour.  These students should be in 7th grade and up, and have the director's approval.  Parents can request approval on their registration form.

Can my student change classes once they are registered?

Classes can only be changed until the second week of each semester.  We require parents to fill out an add/drop form and pay a $20 fee every time a class is changed.  We encourage parents and students to be certain of which classes they want prior to registering to avoid these changes and fees.

We do not give refunds for students who drop before the end of the semester.

What is the birth date requirement to register for Kindergarten?

To join our Kindergarten program, students must be 5 by September 1. 

Is my student required to do state testing?

No, self-pay and part-time OVA funded students are not required to do any state testing.  However, full-time OVA students  are required to participate in state testing.

What are your dress code policies?

HARBOR'S DRESS CODE (adopted from Oxford School District):
In general, clothing should be clean and appropriate for the climate and the situation. The final decision in any situation involving inappropriate attire rests with building administrators.

1) Tops must have straps or sleeves and must cover the student’s entire torso.
2) Pants, shorts, and skirts must have an inseam at least 4 inches in length.
3)Clothing may not display material that:
-Is materially and substantially disruptive or that school officials can reasonably forecast will create a substantial disruption;
-Is obscene, explicit, indecent, or lewd;
-Promotes the use of or advertises illegal substances
-Incites violence; Contains “fighting words”; Constitutes a true threat of violence.

Consequences: Students who are dressed inappropriately will be asked to change clothing. Parents will be called to bring appropriate clothing or the student may be sent home to change.  Ongoing dress code violations may result in student being suspended from onsite classes

What are your student safety policies?

The safety of our students is a key concern.  

All of our teachers and staff are required to have full fingerprint background checks and all adults who stay onsite are required to have a background check as well.

While school is in session the building doors are locked from the inside and we have a security guard on site. There are walkie talkies throughout the building for immediate communication, if necessary. Multiple staff members “float” throughout the building and check on the classrooms and hallways.

We also have a nurse on site who is CPR and First Aid certified.  

In addition, we have emergency procedures for weather, fire, shelter in place and medical.